はじめに、4グループに分(わ)かれて、話(はな)し合(あ)いをしました。1. 名前(なまえ)、2. 出身国(しゅっしんこく)、3. 今年(ことし)がんばったこと、4. 来年(らいねん)がんばりたいこと、などについて、一人一人(ひとりひとり)順番(じゅんばん)に話(はな)しました。「友(とも)だちを作(つく)った」、「漢字(かんじ)を覚(おぼ)えた」、「N1に合格(ごうかく)した」、「仕事(しごと)を見(み)つけたい」などの話(はなし)が出(で)ました。
Today we had an annual event, a year-end-party at our circle.
First we were divided into four groups and had a talk on the followings: 1. name, 2. country, 3. on what you worked hard this year, and 4. on what you want to work hard next year. Everyone talked in turn. One person said "I could make friends", another said "I learned many Kanjis", and the others said "I passed N1", and “I will do my best next year".
Next we played the rock-paper-scissors game. Each of us had a candy in our hands and played rock-paper-scissors with the person next to. If you win, you can get the candy of the partner and then you played rock-paper-scissors again with another person. The last winner can get all the candies.
We had a happy time while drinking tea and eating sweets.
It would be nice if we could enjoy studying Japanese at WAKABA also next year.