お月見(つきみ)お楽(たの)しみ会(かい)をしました。/ We enjoyed a moon-viewing autumn event today.






Today after we studied for 30 minutes as usual, we held an  "Otsukimi Otanoshimikai ", or moon-viewing autumn event at our circle.  We played Japanese old autumn music, which enhanced the atmosphere very much.

First we were divided into four groups and enjoyed "Otsukimi" Quizzes.

After that we talked on what you can see on the surface of the moon, if you have a moon-viewing custom in your own country, or what kind of festivals you have in your own country.  All of us were so absorbed in talking on these topics that we forgot time.

At the end of the party we shared what kind of talks each group had.  The foreign members made a speech, which was a bit surprise, as we expected that Japanese members would make a speech.

Although it was a rainy day today, 27 members of us participated in this event and enjoyed it very much.