まず、ポスターの説明(せつめい)をゆっくりして、そのあと、紙芝居(かみしばい)をしました。図書館(としょかん)で前(まえ)もって借(か)りていた『彦星(ひこぼし)と織姫(おりひめ)』の物語(ものがたり)です。天の川(あまのがわ)が氾濫(はんらん)して困(こま)っていたときに、かささぎがたくさん集(あつ)まって織姫(おりひめ)を羽(はね)に乗(の)せてくれて、向(む)こう岸(ぎし)に送(おく)ってくれました! よかったですね、とみんなで拍手(はくしゅ)、担当者(たんとうしゃ)の熱演(ねつえん)で盛(も)り上(あ)がりました。
We hold Tanabata Party at our circle every year around this season. We also held it today at our circle.
From 7:00 to 7:45 we studied as usual, and from 7:45 we started preparing for the party. We handed out drinks and Japanese sweets including those which our foreign members have brought to the circle.
We posted a paper to the wall explaining “Gosekku”, or the five festival days in Japan and also where Tanabata Festival has come from.
It was so lively with small children or grandchildren of our foreign and Japanese members all in tatami room.
First we explained where Tanabata story is originated from and then we played a picture-story show of “Orihime and Hikoboshi” (or the legend of Vega and Altair). As we wondered how Orihime could cross over the Milky Way while it flooded with a lot of rainfall, many European magpies appeared from nowhere to carry Orihime on their wings to make them meet each other. At that climax scene we clapped our hands and gave a voice of relief.
After that we talked on the summer festivals or seasonal events of our own countries while eating sweets. We had a lot of fun today.