防災教室(ぼうさいきょうしつ)をしました / We took a lecture on disaster prevention






地震(じしん)が起(お)きて、うちが壊(こわ)れたとき、まずどこへ逃(に)げますか? 一時避難所(いっときひなんしょ)へ逃(に)げてください。一時避難所(いっときひなんしょ)は近(ちか)くの公園(こうえん)や学校(がっこう)です。

火事(かじ)などが起(お)きて、もっとあぶないとき、どこへ逃(に)げますか? 広域避難場所(こういきひなんばしょ)へ逃(に)げてください。広(ひろ)い公園(こうえん)です。

危険(きけん)がなくなったあと、家(いえ)が壊(こわ)れて住(す)めない人(ひと)はどうしますか? 避難所(ひなんじょ)に避難(ひなん)してください。避難所(ひなんじょ)は近(ちか)くの小学校(しょうがっこう)や中学校(ちゅうがっこう)です。

では地震(じしん)に備(そな)えてうちでどのぐらいの水(みず)や食べ物(たべもの)を準備(じゅんび)したらよいでしょうか? 担当者(たんとうしゃ)は、少(すく)なくとも3日分(みっかぶん)、できれば1週間分(1しゅうかんぶん)、準備(じゅんび)してください、と言(い)いました。




Today the staff of the disaster prevention division of Setagaya Ward Office came to our circle and gave us a lecture on disaster prevention. 


First the staff asked us what we should do when a big earthquake strikes at our home.

She advised us that we should dive under a desk and grasp the legs of it. She added that the most important thing is to protect our head.  We really dive under a desk as soon as the earthquake alert started beeping.


Then, she talked about how to evacuate.  When a big earthquake strikes and your house is severely damaged, she said that we should evacuate to “a Temporary Gathering Location”.  If a fire has broken out and the situation is now serious, she said that we should evacuate to the “Safety Evacuation Area (a large park or open space)”.  When the danger has subsided but if your house is unlivable, she said that we evacuate to the “Emergency Shelter (elementary or junior high school)”.


Then she talked on the emergency supplies. She advised us to prepare at least three-day, if possible, one-week water and food at our home. 


She also gave us information on how to communicate with our family. Since it may become difficult to make phone calls during an emergency, she told us there are several convenient services. One of them is “Emergency Message Board (web 171)”, which is an online bulletin board service.


We think that today’s lecture on disaster prevention was a good opportunity to think about how to prepare for a big earthquake.