今年(ことし)も「お月見お楽しみ会(おつきみおたのしみかい)」をしました / We held "Moon-viewing Autumn Event" 

昔(むかし)から日本(にほん)では、きれいなお月様(おつきさま)を見(み)て楽(たの)しむ習慣(しゅうかん)があります。 お月見(おつきみ)をするのに一番(いちばん)いい日(ひ)を「十五夜(じゅうごや)」と言って、今年(ことし)は10月(がつ)4日(よっか)でした。 「わかば」では、その次(つぎ)の日(ひ)の10月5日に「お月見お楽しみ会(おつきみおたのしみかい)」をしました。

はじめに月(つき)にちなんだお話(おはなし)「かぐや姫(ひめ)」の紙芝居(かみしばい)をみんなで見(み)ました。 そのあと、月見団子(つきみだんご)やお菓子(おかし)をいただきながら、グループに分(わ)かれておしゃべりをしました。






In Japan there is a custom to honor the autumn full moon from old days. The day when we can enjoy the most beautiful full moon is called “Juhgoya”, the fifteenth night according to the lunar calendar and it was October 4th, yesterday this year. Today we held “Moon-viewing Autumn Event” at our circle. 

First we watched a picture-story show of the old story of "Kaguyahime” or “The Moon Princess" together. 

Then, we were divided into groups and talked with each other while having “tsukimi dango”, or rice dumplings and sweets. 

At the groups of the intermediate to upper level, they talked on how they enjoy “Juhgoya” in their own countries. We, Japanese see on the surface of the moon a rabbit pounding rice cake, but in other countries they see other creatures, e.g. a rabbit, a frog, a woman and a celestial maiden, etc. doing various things.

At the group of beginner level, they drew pictures of their most favorite food or things and made speeches showing their pictures. They were ramen, hot pot, ice cream, castle, etc.

At the end of the event we shared what kind of talks each group had and the meeting was over.

Tonight we could see the perfectly round moon between clouds at the night sky.