七夕(たなばた)のお楽(たの)しみ会(かい)をしました/We enjoyed Tanabata Festival today.








As today was “Tanabata” or the Star Festival Day, we held a Tanabata party at our circle.

First one of our members read the picture book, "Tanabatamonogatari" and we listened to it together. We were moved by that beautiful story.

Then we wrote our wishes to a strip of paper, and announced them..

They are “I wish my Japanese improves”, "I wish my family are healthy and happy", "I wish I can pass JLPT N2", “I wish I can live a long life ! ", “I want to broaden my world!, etc.

Then, we made the decorations of the Star Festival and cranes with origami. Those who made a crane for the first time were able to make it very beautifully.

Finally we sang the song of "Tanabatasama, or たなばたさま" together.

"I wish all the wishes be realized ☆彡”