この頃(ごろ)はインターネットを使(つか)って、独学(どくがく)で日本語(にほんご)をマスターする人(ひと)も多(おお)いようです。でもインターネットでは会話(かいわ)は楽(たの)しめませんよね? 日本人(にほんじん)と話(はな)してみたい人(ひと)、ぜひサークルをのぞいてみてください。
Now there are various people in our circle.
One who came to Japan recently and is learning the survival Japanese here, one who has been living in Japan for 1 or 2 years and is
learning Japanese to brush it up, or one who attends Japanese language school but comes here to enjoy talking with us as there are not many opportunities to speak
Japanese, and so on.
The Internet has developed, and many people master Japanese by themselves through Internet, but can you learn conversation?
Why not visit our circle and enjoy talking with us!?